The Bone Doll’s Twin Free Audiobook
Lynn Flewelling
Read By: Victor Bevine
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Young Tobin had the misfortune of being born female in perilous times, in which high-born females of all ages are being murdered by order of the king, to ensure his son’s succession to the throne. Years earlier, King Elrius usurped his sister’s rightful claim to the throne–an act that abrogated the divine protections set over his people, bringing plague and war to the land. There are those who would see the divine prophecies honored, however, and a warrior queen restored to the throne. So Tobin is disguised by means of dark magic that conceals her true gender with that of her twin brother, who was killed at birth, but not fast enough. He drew a single breath, which was enough to keep his soul earthbound and horribly angry. Tobin will indeed be queen, but only if she can be protected until adulthood from her insane mother, her demonic brother, and every evil wizard in the land. This terrific tale is dark and exciting, and the magic in it is truly wonderful.