Robert E. Howard – Stories of Conan and Others – Robert E. Howard, Robert Jordan, L. Sprague de Camp, others Free Audiobook

Robert E. Howard - Stories of Conan and Others - Robert E. Howard, Robert Jordan, L. Sprague de Camp, others Audiobook Free Download
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Robert E. Howard, Robert Jordan, L. Sprague de Camp, others
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Written by Robert E. Howard, Robert Jordan, L. Sprague de Camp, others
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Format: MP3

Conan the Cimmerian was created by Robert E. Howard in a series of fantasy stories published in Weird Tales magazine in 1932.

The various stories of Conan occur in the fictional “Hyborian Age”, set after the destruction of Atlantis and before the rise of the known ancient civilizations. This is a specific epoch in a fictional timeline created by Howard for many of the low fantasy tales of his artificial legendary.
The reasons behind the invention of the Hyborian Age were perhaps commercial: Howard had an intense love for history and historical dramas; however, at the same time, he recognized the difficulties and the time-consuming research work needed in maintaining historical accuracy – and moreover, the poorly-stocked libraries in the rural part of Texas where Howard lived just did not have the material needed for such historical research. By conceiving a timeless setting – “a vanished age” – and by carefully choosing names that resembled human history, Howard shrewdly avoided the problem of historical anachronisms and the need for lengthy exposition.
According to “The Phoenix on the Sword”, the adventures of Conan take place “Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas.”

The character of Conan has proven durably popular, resulting in Conan stories by later writers. Some of these writers have finished incomplete Conan manuscripts by Howard. Others were created by rewriting Howard stories which originally featured entirely different characters from entirely different milieus. Most, however, are completely original works.

The stories included in this set have been organised in chronological order according to the timeline proposed by William Galen Gray. The numbers at the beginning of the files indicate the Conan’s age in years, followed by an approximate order.

In addition to stories about Conan, Howard also wrote about numerous other characters. This set of files includes some of his other works, particularly those of Bran Mak Morn, Kull, and Solomon Kane.

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