Pathfinder Legends – Mummy’s Mask – Complete Series 2 – Big Finish – Cavan Scott Free Audiobook

Pathfinder Legends - Mummy's Mask - Complete Series 2 - Big Finish - Cavan Scott Audiobook Free Download
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Written by Cavan Scott
Read by Stewart Alexander; Trevor Littledale; Ian Brooker; Kerry Skinner; Waseem Abbas ; Donovan Christian-Carey; Nabil Elouahabi;
Format: MP3

The second series in the Pathfinder Legend’s audio drama universe. This is for all you Big Finish collectors like ME, who need to have every title in the Big Finish catalog. Oh, OCD is such a wonderful disorder and Big Finish sure does profit off of people like US!

Actually, the Pathfinder Legends audio dramas are really quite good. They take me back to when I was a kid playing D&D, back when we didn’t have video games that are virtual movies but had to use our actual imaginations!

From Wiki:

The ancient lands of Osirion are blanketed by the sands of time, and eldritch secrets and vast riches lay just beneath the sun-blistered surface. As modern Osirion opens its vaults and tombs to outsiders for the first time in centuries, many of these lost treasures and secrets are now emerging—some more troublesome than others. Hakotep I, a now-forgotten pharaoh, was robbed upon his burial. A secret sect took his heart and his funerary mask, both containing a portion of his soul. Betrayed the chance to pass on into the afterlife during his burial, Hakotep has existed in a state between life and death for millennia. The recent rediscovery of one of these lost soul fragments has allowed the trapped pharaoh to once again work in this world to redress the wrongs committed against him, and a cult worshipping him as a god-king grows in the heart of Osirion. Can a group of heroes brave terrible guardians, foul cults, and the burning sands of the desert to stop the rebirth of this ancient tyrant?

ENJOY! SEED AFTER YOU DOWNLOAD! DO NOT WHINE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT THE DOWNLOAD SPEED! When 100 people try to download from yours truly at once, and then complain that it takes two days to download, WHAT do they expect? (See Graceless IV).