Old Man’s War (Book 1) – John Scalzi Free Audiobook
Written by John Scalzi
Format: MP3
The first-person narrative is about a soldier named John Perry and his exploits in the CDF (Colonial Defense Forces). Old Man’s War is similar in overall structure to Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers and Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War as it follows Perry’s military career from CDF recruit to the rank of captain. It is set in a universe heavily populated with life forms (much like David Brin’s Uplift Universe); colonists from Earth must compete for the scarce planetary real estate which is suitable for sustaining life. As such, Perry must learn to battle against a wide variety of aliens. While the soldiers in Starship Troopers and The Forever War relied on powered body armor to gain advantage over the aliens, the soldiers in Old Man’s War have enhanced DNA and nanotechnology, giving them advantages in strength, speed, and endurance.