Machine of Death – ed. Matthew Bennardo, ed. David Malki !, ed. Ryan North Free Audiobook
ed. Matthew Bennardo, ed. David Malki !, ed. Ryan NorthNarrator
David HendricksSize
378.49 MBsFormat
64 KbpsLanguage
Written by
Read by David Hendricks
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 64 Kbps
Machine of Death
Edited by Matthew Bennardo, David Malki ! & Ryan North
Encode: mp3 – 64kbps, Mono, 44.1 kHz
Total # of Tracks: 39
Total Play time: 12:41:34
Anthology #363
I also found the art that goes along with the book and included it.
From NLS
Machine of Death tells thirty-four different stories about people who know how they will die. Prepare to have your tears jerked, your spine tingled, your funny bone tickled, your mind blown, your pulse quickened, or your heart warmed. Or better yet, simply prepare to be surprise. Because even when people have perfect knowledge of the future, there’s no telling exactly how things will turn out.
Stories in this collection:
01) Preface by M. Bennardo, David Malki ! and Ryan North
02) Introduction
03) Flaming Marshmallow by Camille Alexa (2008)
04) Fudge by Kit Yona
05) Torn Apart and Devoured by Lions by Jeffrey C. Wells
06) Despair by K. M. Lawrence
07) Suicide by David Michael Wharton
08) Almond by John Chernega
09) Starvation by M. Bennardo
10) Cancer by Camron Miller
11) Firing Squad by J. Jack Unrau
12) Vegetables by Chris Cox
13) Piano by Rafa Franco
14) HIV Infection from Machine of Death Needle by Brian Quinlan
15) Exploded by Tom Francis
16) Not Waving But Drowning by Erin McKean
17) Improperly Prepared Blowfish by Gord Sellar
18) Love Ad Nauseum by Sherri Jacobsen
19) Murder and Suicide, Respectively by Ryan North
20) Cancer by David Malki !
21) Aneurysm by Alexander Danner
22) Exhaustion from Having Sex with a Minor by Yahtzee Croshaw
23) After Many Years, Stops Breathing, While Asleep, with Smile on Face by William Grallo
24) Killed by Daniel by Julia Wainwright
25) Friendly Fire by Douglas J. Lane
26) Nothing by Pelotard
27) Cocaine and Painkillers by David Malki !
28) Loss of Blood by Jeff Stautz
29) Prison Knife Fight by Shaenon K. Garrity
30) While Trying to Save Another by Daliso Chaponda
31) Miscarriage by James L. Sutter
32) Shot by Sniper by Bartholomew Klick
33) Heat Death of the Universe by James Foreman
34) Drowning by C. E. Guimont
35) ? by Randall Munroe
36) Cassandra by T. J. Radcliffe
37) Contributors