Lost Vegas Series (Lost Vegas #1-3) – Lizzy Ford Free Audiobook

Lost Vegas Series (Lost Vegas #1-3) - Lizzy Ford Audiobook Free Download
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Lizzy Ford
Emma Lysy, Naomi Rose-Mock,
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Written by Lizzy Ford
Read by Emma Lysy, Naomi Rose-Mock,
Format: M4B
Bitrate: Mixed

Aveline (Lost Vegas #1)
Narrated by: Emma Lysy
Bitrate: 125Kbps

Seventeen year old assassin-in-training, Aveline, is ready to die rather than submit to her fate working in a brothel to repay her late father’s debts. On the night she tries to end her life, a stranger stops her and offers a proposition: a clean slate, in exchange for her agreement to become the guardian of a young woman she has never met. Leery of the assignment and the man behind it, Aveline has no other option but to accept the deal.

Aveline’s suspicion that something is off about the arrangement magnifies when she meets her new ward, Tiana Hanover, the daughter of the most powerful man in Lost Vegas. Expecting a pampered princess with an attitude, Aveline is surprised to discover Tiana is little more than a slave – and harboring a secret the wealthy Hanovers cannot risk being revealed in two months, on Tiana’s 18th birthday.

Determined to keep the Hanover girl alive, Aveline must learn how to protect Tiana from the other Hanover’s or wind up dead alongside her ward.

Tiana (Lost Vegas #2)
Narrated by: Naomi Rose-Mock
Bitrate: 62Kbps

Tiana Hanover, the sheltered daughter of Lost Vegas’ leader, has spent her life hidden away from everyone. She’s deformed, like the people her father routinely burns at the stake. Her only friends are her brother and her new guardian, Aveline, neither of whom understand the depths of her forbidden magic.

Distressed by premonitions of her brother’s death, she leaves the safety of the tiny room where she has resided her entire life and ventures out into a world unwelcoming of the deformed and resentful of her powerful father. Leaving Lost Vegas gives her the first taste of freedom she has ever known – and sets in motion forces she could not have foreseen.

For Tiana, the world outside the city is beautiful – and terrifying. Ghouls, Natives, a skinwalker…the danger scares her but will not dissuade her from saving her brother. For her companions, the greatest danger outside the city is the Hanover in their midst, a girl whose growing power could make her a threat second only to her father.

Arthur (Lost Vegas #3)
Narrated by: Naomi Rose-Mock
Bitrate: 125Kbps

As the presumed heir to Lost Vegas, Arthur has purposely ignored the depravity with which his father runs the city with the excuse he will change things once he is in charge. Traveling with his longtime rival, Marshall Cruise, at first reinforces the prejudices Arthur has adopted from his father. However, Marshall has saved his life twice, and Arthur can no longer deny what is in front of him. He wants to make a positive difference in a city cowering in the shadow of Arthur’s father.

The more time Arthur spends with his rival, the more he begins to question his loyalty to the person who burned Marshall’s family at the stake. With his loyalties in question, Arthur struggles to balance protecting those he cares about and surviving long enough to save his city, a challenge that grows harder when the Natives around Lost Vegas begin to ally with one another.

War is looming – but the visions Arthur has of the future show him a worse fate is possible. Arthur must act fast, if he is to save his city, his sister, and his friends.