Dungeon Diving 203 – Bruce Sentar Free Audiobook
Dungeon Diving 203 - Bruce Sentar Audiobook Free Download
Bruce SentarNarrator
Christopher Boucher, Jessica ThreetSize
611.62 MBsFormat
128 KbpsLanguage
Bruce SentarNarrator
Christopher Boucher, Jessica ThreetSize
611.62 MBsFormat
128 KbpsLanguage
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Read by Christopher Boucher, Jessica Threet
Format: M4B
Bitrate: 128 Kbps
Ken and company embark on their first raid. Despite Ken’s powerful [Liminal Speed] not all the boss fights are accommodating and the Haylon raid party must learn to work together in perfect concert.
Prince Albar is unsatisfied with his defeat and plots to take down Ken and Elysara despite their Royal Censor guards.
Yet, neither of them are prepared for the shakeup in the dungeon. All of the safety nets they’ve been training over are about to disappear.