(Forgotten Realms) Abolethic Sovereignty – Bruce R. Cordell Free Audiobook

(Forgotten Realms) Abolethic Sovereignty - Bruce R. Cordell Audiobook Free Download
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Bruce R. Cordell
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Written by Bruce R. Cordell
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 128 Kbps

Plague of Spells

After the Spellplague, Raidon Kane finds that he has a sapphire tattoo burned into his flesh, strange supernatural powers that aid him in fighting aberrant monstrosities such as aboleths, and that he is missing eleven years of his life that he spent encased in crystal. In that time, his daughter has died and his home has been destroyed. The evil empire known as the Abolethic Sovereignty has become active and intends to reduce the world to chaos using a powerful artifact known as the Dreamheart. The Dreamheart begins infecting weak minds with twisted dreams of power if they serve the aboleths, causing the corrupted to fight over the Dreamheart and use it to their own ends. Raidon seeks a weapon forged by those who fought the Sovereignty before him. Guidance from an abandoned construct created to monitor and hold the high priest of the Sovereignty prisoner leads him to seek the weapon in the spellplague-infested Plaguewrought Lands. Raidon also seeks allies uncorrupted by the power of the Sovereignty.

City of Torment

Raidon Kane travels to the underground fortress of the slumbering aboleths, intending to kill the Eldest in its sleep. A warlock, an arch fey, a pirate, and a high priestess of the Abolethic Sovereignty all have their own intentions for the Eldest.

Key of Stars

Raidon Kane survived his clash against the eldest aboleth, but came away with his mind shattered. Destiny hands Raidon one last chance to avert the Abolethic Sovereignty’s agenda, but only if he can find within himself the strength to care. Raidon, the warlock Japheth, and Anusha, a young woman whose dreams are made real, must find the Key of Stars before it is used to open the Far Manifold and unleashes a realm of chaos upon the world. The race takes them through the Fey Wild and beyond the very edge of the Far Realm itself.